放下油-放下悲傷和內疚 Letting Go Oil for Grief, Sadness & Guilt


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放下與過去相關的舊關係、經歷和感受可能具有挑戰性。未解決的問題會影響一個人當前對世界的看法、情感幸福感和當前關係。我們的 Letting Go Oil 旨在幫助您擺脫過去不想要的包袱和負面依戀。我們已經包括了草藥和油,因為它們能夠幫助釋放舊的創傷、悲傷、憤怒和負能量。最終,這可以幫助您在日常生活中感到更加踏實、平衡和存在。我們的 Letting Go Oil 中還有許多草藥,經常用於鎮定神經系統並緩解憂慮和焦慮的感覺。當您希望擺脫過去並在生活中繼續前進時,它非常適合使用。我們的 Letting Go Oil 為 ½ 盎司。玻璃瓶。 放手油有什麼作用: 鼓勵一個人放下通常基於創傷的情感包袱、內疚、怨恨和負面情緒。 幫助一個人識別和克服創傷、悲傷、悲傷和內疚。 平息焦慮、憂慮和恐懼的情緒。 輕輕地鼓勵一個人以一種健康的方式繼續他們的生活。 Letting Go Oil 的成分是什麼: 由永久花、乳香、橙花、雪松和其他相關草藥和油製成, 如何使用放手油: 我們建議在心輪和腳底塗抹一些 Letting Go Oil。當然,它可以添加到溫水浴中,甚至可以塗抹在個人物品上。在您最喜歡的珠寶上塗抹一些,長度足以靠在您的心臟上。在您希望最終放棄的舊信件或物品上輕拍一些。我們最喜歡使用 Letting Go Oil 的方法之一是取一個雞蛋,將其滾過您的心臟、頭頂和腳底。接下來,用一些 Letting Go 油塗抹雞蛋。把它放在一個紙袋裡,放在教堂裡。有些人發現把袋子完全埋起來很有幫助。 如何在咒語或儀式中使用 Letting Go Oil: 對於蠟燭占卜,你需要一個藍色的巨型柱蠟燭。把你的名字刻在裡面,以及你想放棄誰/什麼。你也可以得到一張你想放手的圖像,然後把它正面朝下放在桌子上。拿起你的雕刻蠟燭,用 Letting Go Oil 塗抹它,將油從蠟燭上拉到蠟燭的底部。將蠟燭放在合適的燭台中,然後將其放在圖像上。準備好後,點燃蠟燭並祈禱,或者您可以簡單地背誦詩篇 23。您可以選擇在 7 天內進行此儀式,也可以直接進行,直到蠟燭熄滅。當蠟燭快燒完時,您將拍攝圖像並將其在火焰中燃燒。請小心。找一個防火區域來做這件事,比如在水槽或壁爐裡。儀式結束後,將剩餘的灰燼和蠟倒入流水中。最重要的是,把它從你的財產上拿下來。如果沒有自來水可供您使用,請將遺體留在教堂。 Letting Go of old relationships, experiences, and feelings tied to our past can be challenging. Unresolved issues can affect one’s current perception of the world, feelings of emotional well-being, and current relationships. Our Letting Go Oil is designed to help free yourself from the unwanted baggage and negative attachments from the past. We have included herbs and oils revered for their ability to help release old trauma, grief, anger, and negative energy. Ultimately this can help you feel more grounded, balanced, and present in your everyday life. There are also a number of herbs in our Letting Go Oil that are frequently used to calm the nervous system and ease feelings of apprehension and anxiety. It’s perfect to use when you wish to break from the past and move forward in your life. Our Letting Go Oil comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does Letting Go Oil do: Encourage one to let go of emotional baggage, guilt, resentment, and negative feelings often based on trauma. Help one identify and work through trauma, grief, sadness, and guilt. Calm feelings of anxiety, apprehension, and fear. Gently encourage one to move forward with their life in a healthy way. What are the ingredients in Letting Go Oil: Made with helichrysum, frankincense, neroli, cedar, and other related herbs and oils, How to use Letting Go Oil: We recommend anointing some Letting Go Oil on the heart chakra and bottom of the feet. Of course, it can be added to a warm bath and even anointed on personal items. Anoint some on your favorite piece of jewelry that is long enough to rest against your heart. Dab some on old letters or items you wish to finally let go of. One of our favorite methods to work with Letting Go Oil is to take an egg and roll it over your heart, top of your head, and the bottom of your feet. Next, anoint the egg with some Letting Go Oil. Put it in a paper bag and leave it at a church. Some people find it helpful to bury the bag altogether. How to use Letting Go Oil in a Spell or Ritual: For candle divination, you will need a blue jumbo pillar candle. Carve your name in it and who/what you wish to let go of. You can also get an image of what you wish to let go of and place it face down on the table. Get your carved candle and anoint it with Letting Go Oil, drawing the oil down the candle towards the candle's base. Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and put it over the image. When ready, light the candle and say a prayer or you can simply recite Psalm 23. You can choose to work this ritual over the course of 7 days or you can work it straight through, till the candle goes out. When the candle is nearly burned out, you are going to take the image and burn it in the flame. Please be careful. Find a fire-safe area to do this, like in a sink or fireplace. When the ritual is finished, take the remaining ash and wax and throw it in running water. Most importantly, take it off your property. If there is no running water available to you, leave the remains at a church.
