新奧爾良七姐妹聖邁克爾三重力量 7 Sisters Of New Orleans St. Michael Triple Strength


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蠟燭將燃燒約 120 小時 2 1/2" 寬和 8 1/8" 高 燃燒聖邁克爾蠟燭以表達勇氣、保護和拯救敵人。 蠟燭飾有閃光和油。 Archangel do for me what I am unable to do for myself, defend me, O Archangel, you who are so strong, (kneel and say your name). I am so weak and need your help. I make the sign of the cross over my heart with a sword bearing thy illustrious name, Saint Michael and call to thee to do justice for me at all times. Archangel grant me this request we address to you. Amen 說出您的要求並畫十字。 光榮的聖邁克爾,大天使,我懇求你與那些與我作戰的人作戰。 與那些向我開戰的人開戰。 拿起劍和盾,挺身而出為我辯護。 當著我的追擊者的面擋住去路。 使那些圖謀害我的人退後。 大天使聖米迦勒,在戰鬥中保衛我們:成為我們的保護者,抵禦魔鬼的邪惡和陷阱,願上帝斥責他,我們謙卑地祈禱,天軍的王子,靠著上帝的力量,將撒旦推入地獄, 所有遊蕩於世間的邪靈,為靈魂奔跑。 阿門 在羊皮紙上寫下您對耶穌和聖邁克爾的請願書,並將其放在蠟燭下。 每 24 小時用 3 滴聖邁克爾油塗抹聖邁克爾蠟燭。 Candle will burn about 120hrs 2 1/2" wide and 8 1/8" tall Burn St. Michael candle for courage, protection and deliverance from enemies. Candle is dressed with glitter and oils. Archangel do for me what I am unable to do for myself, defend me, O Archangel, you who are so strong, (kneel and say your name). I am so weak and need your help. I make the sign of the cross over my heart with a sword bearing thy illustrious name, Saint Michael and call to thee to do justice for me at all times. Archangel grant me this request we address to you. Amen Say your request and make the sign of the cross. O Glorious Saint Michael, archangel I beseech you to fight against those who fight me. War against those who make war upon me. Take up the sword and shield and rise up in my defense. Block the way in the face of my pursuers. Let those be turned back who plot evil against me. Saint Michael the archangel, defend us in battle: Be our protector against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may god rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou o prince of the heavenly host by the power of god, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world, for the run of souls. Amen Write your petition to Jesus and Saint Michael on parchment paper and place it under the candle. Anoint the Saint Michael candle with 3 drops of Saint Michael Oil every 24 hours.
