新年快樂魔法油-生活聚會繁榮運氣愛 Happy New Year! Oil-Make Life A Party! Prosperity, Luck, Love


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這是我自己創造的原始食譜,旨在為您帶來新的一年裡最豐富,最繁榮的祝福! 但是,只要您在生活或工作中需要額外的運氣或力量,就可以在任何時候使用它,而不僅僅是在年初開始! 使用綠色,橙色或黃色蠟燭獲得就業,開闊道路,在遊戲中獲勝,獲得加薪,找到新的愛情,增進人際關係,或者只是為您的生活帶來一點慶祝能量! 這個配方是用我特殊的7豆混合物 This my own original recipe which I created to bring you the most bountiful and prosperous blessings in the New Year! BUT it can be used ANYTIME you need an extra boost of good fortune or power in your life or workings-NOT just at the beginning of the year! Use on green, orange or yellow candles to gain employment, open roads, win at games, get a raise, find a new love, enhance your relationship-or just bring a little celebratory energy to yor life! This formula is created with my special 7 bean mix
