月亮女神空間身體噴霧 Moon Goddess Room + Body Spray


已售出: 3


使用這種噴霧劑可以幫助平衡您的正負能量。 薰衣草和茉莉花以愛,和平,勇氣和性愛著稱。 紅石榴石有助於帶來健康和活力。 用途:可在噴在日常空間或身體上。 成分:蓖麻油,薰衣草精油,茉莉精油,鼠尾草精油,紅石榴石 2盎司 Use this spray to help balance your light and dark energies, like the moon. Lavender and Jasmine are known for love, peace, courage and sex. While Red Garnet helps bring health and energy. Uses: Can be sprayed on the body, throughout your sacred or everyday space. Ingredients: Castor Oil, Lavender essential oil, Jasmine essential oil, Sage essential oil, Red Garnet 2oz
