月亮女神精華香棒 Moon Goddess lunar essences incense sticks 16 pack


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Lunar Essences系列的熏香棒分別代表月球本身的不同方面或特徵。 每種不同的氣味都集中在月亮的不同屬性上,您可能希望看到它們反映在自己的身上。 月亮女神香棒專注於以堅定,忠誠和力量著稱的伊希斯女神。 美國製造。 The Lunar Essences series of incense sticks are each names for a different aspect, or character, of the moon herself. Each different scent focuses on a different attribute of the moon that you might want to see reflected within yourself, aided by a quotation from wise people of the past. This moon goddess incense stick is focused upon The goddess Isis, known for her steadfastness, loyalty, and power. Made in the U.S.A.
