木星石油成功的寶藏,財務,好運 Jewel of Jupiter Oil-Success, Finances, Good Fortune


已售出: 1


旨在紀念統治靈性,智慧,成功和好運的木星。 這種油是在木星的一天和一個小時開始的,並在他的一天和一個小時裝瓶。 星期四下午3點。 該油旨在幫助您實現業務和財務目標,磨練技能並掌控自己的道路。 非常適合企業主或需要更多金錢和財務穩定性的企業主。 裝在帶有鋁蓋的1盎司玻璃瓶中。 包含紅玉,紅檀香,梅斯,assa,血根,紅沒藥,白毛根,荳蔻,生薑,魔爪等。 Created to honor Jupiter who rules over spirituality, intelligence, success and good fortune. This oil was started on Jupiter's day and hour and bottled on his day and hour; Thursday at 3pm. This oil is designed to help you reach your business and financial goals, hone your skills and take charge of your path. Perfect for business owners or those needed more money and financial stability. Bottled in 1 ounce glass bottles with aluminum caps. Contains carnelian, red sandalwood, mace, sassafras, bloodroot, red myrrh, goldenseal root, cardamom, ginger, devil's claw and more.
