棕櫚油蠟燭 - 馴服你的男人Palm Oil Candle- Tame A Lady's Man


已售出: 9


6" 高兩種顏色:粉色和紫色,蠟燭底部有石英石 蠟燭將燃燒約 85 小時 Astral Mystical Candle 馴服你的男人。這支蠟燭是用特殊的催情精華和可可棕櫚的天然蠟製成的。 說明:點燃蠟燭後說這些話:“Oh grand, dominant and just Spirit, make it so (persons name) has good will towards me, his spirit and thoughts may be filled with me. Make him docile, tame, manageable, obedient, humble, submissive, sweet, loving, responsible and loyal. Please subject him to my authority and domination for the rest of time. Amen" 在一張羊皮紙上寫下你想馴服的人的名字。將紙放在點燃的蠟燭上,不要點燃它。然後在這張紙上噴上你最喜歡的香水,然後把它折疊整齊,放在你的錢包裡,或者放在沒人能找到的安全的地方 6" Tall Two Colors: Pink and Purple with quartz stones at the bottom of candle Candle will burn about 85 Hours Astral Mystical Candle to tame a lady's man. This candle was prepared with special aphrodisiac essences and natural wax from coco palm. Instructions: After lighting the candle say these words: "Oh grand, dominant and just Spirit, make it so (persons name) has good will towards me, his spirit and thoughts may be filled with me. Make him docile, tame, manageable, obedient, humble, submissive, sweet, loving, responsible and loyal. Please subject him to my authority and domination for the rest of time. Amen" On a piece of parchment paper write the name of the person you want to tame. Pass the paper over the lit candle without lighting it on fire. Then spray the piece of paper with your favorite fragrance and fold it neatly and place it in your purse or in a safe place where no one will find it
