椰子香薰粒 Coconut Kamini cone


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甜美生活 如果您打算執行一項複雜的任務並需要額外的幫助,請燒一瓶 Kamini 椰子香來幫助您。眾所周知,椰子的香味可以減輕壓力並提高靈活性。熏香讓人想起烤椰子片、海風和熱帶島嶼上被陽光親吻的海灘,島上點綴著高大的椰子樹搖曳的葉子。椰子香還用於消除消極情緒並在精神實踐中提供保護。它是貞潔和純潔的象徵。當需要一些 TLC 時,注入 Kamini 香錐的椰子精油是您的守護天使。 Sweet & exotic scent If you are planning to do a complex task and need extra help, burn a cone of Kamini Coconut Incense to assist you. The fragrance of coconut is known to reduce stress and improve dexterity. The incense is reminiscent of toasted coconut flakes, of sea breeze, and sun kissed beaches on a tropical island dotted with the waving fronds of the tall coconut palms. Coconut incense is also used to dispel negativity and provide protection during spiritual practices. It is a symbol of chastity and purity. When in need of some TLC, the coconut essential oil infused Kamini incense cones are your guardian angels.
