檀香香薰 Sandlwood Kamini cone


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用來消除各方面的壓力,一盒十粒 檀香是所有芳香物質中最令人垂涎​​的一種。自古以來,它就被用於治療和鎮靜儀式。在印度阿育吠陀傳統中,它被用來促進愛與和諧。它打開心靈和思想,鼓勵和平與寧靜。 Kamini檀香木香錐含有檀香纖維以及從木材中提取的精油。點燃後,香筒慢慢釋放出檀香的香氣,將它的治愈能量散播到四周。 Sandlwood Kamini cone 10 pack Sandalwood is one of the most coveted of all aromatic substances. It has been used since times immemorial for healing and calming rituals. In the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, it is used to promote love and harmony. It opens up the heart and mind and encourages peace and serenity. Kamini Sandalwood Incense Cones contain sandalwood fibers as well as essential oil extracted from the wood. When lighted, the incense cone slowly releases the fragrance of the sandalwood and spreads its healing energy all around.
