水女神Auric Blends走珠式香水 Water Goddess Blends roll on


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使用Auric Blends的Water Goddess香水在您的皮膚上保持河流,水和海洋女神的存在。 這款清爽柔和的香水帶有淡淡的花香,不禁讓人想起統治湖泊,河流和海洋的水女神的強大氣息。 每天佩戴它,慶祝神聖的女性氣質,或用它來幫助增強您的靈力。 Carry the presence of the Goddess of rivers, water and seas on your skin with Water Goddess perfume from Auric Blends. A clean, gentle fragrance touched with subtle, floral notes, this perfume cannot help but to bring to mind the potent presence of the Water Goddess, who rules the lakes, rivers and seas. Wear it every day and celebrate the divine feminine or use it to help empower your ritual crafts.
