治愈我的心油 放手、失落和悲傷 Heal My Heart Oil for Letting Go, Loss & Grief


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我們的Heal My Heart Oil 是為那些可能遭受悲傷、失落、悲傷或心碎的人而設計的。我們在這種混合物中添加了一些美妙的草藥,這些草藥有助於促進情緒癒合。當您想擺脫痛苦的關係,釋放內疚或羞恥感,或者只是想培養更深層次的自愛感時,這是一種理想的組合。 Heal My Heart Oil 非常適合在您希望繼續生活並擺脫過去的任何情況下使用。它裝在 ½ 盎司玻璃瓶中。 治愈我的心油有什麼作用: 鼓勵你放下過去。 幫助修補破碎或悲傷的心。 創造一個鼓勵處理沉重、複雜和困難情緒的環境。 讓你釋放內疚、羞恥和怨恨的感覺。 激發更深層次的自愛。 促進內省、自我發現與和平。 Heal My Heart Oil 的成分是什麼: 它由黑胡桃、蠟菊、祝福薊、檸檬香脂和其他相關草藥和油混合製成。 如何使用治愈我的心臟油: 有無數種方法可以使用 Heal My Heart Oil。它可以塗在身體上,添加到浴缸中,放置在舊照片上或塗在你的祭壇上。在一碗鹽中混合幾滴,然後將其放在床下。將幾滴與教堂或三王香混合。在一些鮮切的白百合或粉紅玫瑰的水中滴幾滴。在您最喜歡的珠寶或護身符上塗抹一些,或者在觸摸您的心臟的同時在您的手上擦一些。 如果您希望與某個人或某個情況分開並放手,請在麵粉和新鮮雨水中加入約 15 滴 Heal My Heart Oil。如果沒有雨水,請在殘月期間將一些水留在室外。也可以使用泉水(你可以在雜貨店買到瓶裝的)。用麵團做成一個小人的形狀。刻下你想放手的人或情況的名字,然後烘烤。接下來,得到一個小的白色蠟燭。準備好後,點燃白色的許願蠟燭。取烤好的形狀,放在蠟燭上。背誦詩篇 34 或者你可以簡單地背誦以下咒語,“醫治我的心,它不再破碎。”第二天,將形式研磨成粉末,然後將其丟棄在流水中。 Our Heal My Heart Oil was created for those who may be suffering from grief, loss, sadness, or a broken heart. We have added some wonderful herbs to this blend that are known to help promote emotional healing. It’s an ideal blend to use when you want to let go of a painful relationship, release feelings of guilt or shame, or simply wish to develop a deeper sense of self-love. Heal My Heart Oil is perfect to use in any type of situation where you wish to move forward with your life and let go of the past. It comes in a ½ oz glass bottle. What does Heal My Heart Oil do: Encourage you to let go of the past. Aid in mending a broken or sad heart. Create an environment that encourages the processing of heavy, complex, and difficult emotions. Allow you to release feelings of guilt, shame, and resentment. Stimulate deeper self-love. Promote introspection, self-discovery, and peace. What are the ingredients in Heal My Heart Oil: It is made with a blend of black walnut, helichrysum, blessed thistle, lemon balm, and other related herbs and oils. How to use Heal My Heart Oil: There are countless ways to use Heal My Heart Oil. It can be anointed on the body, added to the bath, placed on old photographs or anointed on your altar. Mix a few drops in a bowl of salt and place it under your bed. Mix a couple of drops with some with Church or Three Kings incense. Place a few drops into the water of some fresh-cut white lilies or pink roses. Anoint some on your favorite jewelry or amulets or simply rub some on your hands while touching your heart. If there is a person or situation from which you wish to separate and let go of, kneed about 15 drops of Heal My Heart Oil in flour and fresh rain water. If rain water is not available, leave some water outside during a waning moon. Spring water can also be used (you can buy this bottled at the grocery store). Make the shape of a small person with the dough. Carve the name of the person or situation you wish to let go of and then bake it. Next, get a small white votive candle. When ready light the white votive candle. Take the baked form and hold it over the candle. Recite Psalm 34 or you can simply recite the following incantation, “Heal my heart, it shall be broken no longer.” The following day, grind the form into a powder and dispose of it in running water.
