法蒂瑪之手飾品 Hamsa hand Accessory

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法蒂瑪之手飾品 Hamsa hand Accessory 圖一:大衛星法蒂瑪之手鍍銀頸鍊 能量頻率非常強大,可以穩定情緒、平衡內分泌,強化保護人體的氣場、減少負面思想的傾向、增強人際關係、集中心靈力量等 圖二: 法蒂瑪之手金屬手鍊 帶有閃石的手鍊,帶來強力幸運度和守護 圖三:法蒂瑪之手金屬腳鍊 能較加強力量的凝聚力,得到能量上的保護,免邪靈干擾 以上首飾因物料都只是金屬,遇水會氧化,介意者請勿購入 Photo 1: The silver-plated necklace of the Star of David Hamsa hand Necklace The energy frequency is very powerful, which can stabilize emotions, balance endocrine, strengthen and protect the body's aura, reduce the tendency of negative thoughts, enhance interpersonal relationships, concentrate mental power, etc. Photo 2: Hamsa hand Copper Bracelet Bracelet with amphibole brings strong luck and protection Photo 3: Hamsa hand Copper Anklet It can strengthen the cohesion of strength, get energy protection, and avoid the interference of evil spirits The above jewellery materials are only metal and will oxidize when exposed to water.
