法蒂瑪聖母雕像 statue of Our Lady of Fatima


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法蒂瑪聖母從此成為受人愛戴的瑪麗亞奉獻者,為那些受苦的人提供保護和希望,在不確定的時期提供安慰。 1917 年5 月13 日,聖母瑪利亞首次在葡萄牙法蒂瑪附近阿爾賈斯特雷爾村外的科瓦達伊里亞向三名牧童露西亞·多斯桑托斯、弗朗西斯科·馬托和雅辛塔·馬托顯現。 在接下來的幾個月裡,孩子們又見到瑪莉五次。 在第六次也是最後一次出現時,聖母告訴孩子們她的名字:玫瑰經女士。 在這些出現過程中,孩子們收到了被稱為「秘密」的祈禱、懺悔與和平的預言信息,法蒂瑪的居民目睹了令人震驚的大氣事件,這就是後來被稱為太陽奇蹟的事件。 法蒂瑪聖母樹脂雕像,手繪。尺寸:19.5*7CM Our Lady of Fatima has since become a beloved Marian devotion of protection and hope for those suffering, offering comfort through times of uncertainty. On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary first appeared to three shepherd children, Lúcia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto, at the Cova da Iria outside the village of Aljustrel, near Fatima, Portugal. In the months that followed, the children would see Mary five more times. On the sixth and last appearance, the Virgin told the children her name: The Lady of the Rosary. Throughout these appearances, the children received prophetic messages of prayer, penance and peace called the “Secret,” and residents of Fatima witnessed a stunning atmospheric event that would become known as the Miracle of the Sun. Resin statue of Our Lady of Fatima, hand painted.Size:19.5*7CM
