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淘金者油吸引慷慨富有男人 Gold Digger Oil to Attract a Generous & Rich Man or Husband
已售出: 4
我們的淘金者油旨在幫助您吸引有錢人!如果您是一位想要有錢丈夫的女士,這款油就是為您準備的。這種油是為 Cleo May Oil 和 Jezebel Oil 的粉絲製作的,因為許多相同的引人注目的草藥與一系列誘惑和承諾的草藥相結合。是的,我們確保添加了大量針對婚姻的草藥!我們使用這種油的目標是創造一種混合物,以幫助您勾住完美的富翁,並在您的手指上戴上一枚鑽戒。我們的淘金者油含有超過 12 種不同類型的草藥,含有荳蔻、香根草、菖蒲、蘋果葉、肉桂、玫瑰、橙子等。它裝在一個½盎司的瓶子裡。 將這種油塗抹在身體上,將其塗在珠寶上或在浴缸中滴幾滴。出門前,在脖子和手腕上塗抹一點。確保手上留有一點油,並且在結識新朋友時確保與他們握手。您還可以塗油照片或圖像,以準確描述您希望獲得的內容。在您的祭壇上滴幾滴,或者在床墊底部滴一兩滴。 對於蠟燭儀式,準備一支紅蠟燭、一束零錢、一些香菜或荳蔻種子和一些玫瑰。首先在紅蠟燭上刻上你的名字和你想要的東西。用一些淘金油塗抹蠟燭,然後將油從蠟燭上拉向燈芯。將蠟燭放在合適的燭台上,然後放在一個簡單的白色盤子上。接下來,找零錢和一些玫瑰花瓣(來自新鮮玫瑰),將它們放在盤子上和蠟燭周圍。拿起你的荳蔻或香菜種子,輕輕地將它們沿著你的零錢和玫瑰花瓣的頂部鋪開。請確保這些物品不在可能著火的位置。準備好後,點燃蠟燭並背誦以下內容:“我是沙崙的玫瑰和山谷的百合花。就像樹林中的蘋果樹一樣,我的愛人在兒子們中也是如此。我非常高興地坐在他的陰影下,他的水果對我來說很甜。他帶我到宴會廳,以愛為旗在我頭上。” 您可以讓蠟燭完全熄滅,也可以選擇在 9 天內每晚燃燒 15 分鐘。在第 9 天,讓蠟燭完全熄滅。將零錢、種子和玫瑰花瓣放入紅色法蘭絨袋中。把它們放在你的錢包里或放在你的床墊下。拿走蠟燭殘骸,把它們埋在前門附近。 Our Gold Digger Oil is formulated to help you attract a wealthy man! If you’re a lady who wants a rich husband, this oil is made for you. This oil was made for Fans of Cleo May Oil and Jezebel Oil because many of the same compelling herbs are combined with a series of seduction and commitment herbs. Yes, we made sure to add plenty of herbs that target marriage! Our goal with this oil is to create a blend to help you hook the perfect wealthy man and get one heck of a diamond ring placed on your finger. With more than 12 different types of herbs in this blend, Our Gold Digger Oil features cardamom, vetiver, calamus, apple leaves, cinnamon, rose, orange and many others. It comes in a ½ oz bottle. Dab this oil onto the body, anoint it on jewelry or place a few drops in the bath. Prior to going out, anoint a dab along your neck and wrists. Make sure you keep a bit of oil on your hands and when meeting new people make sure to shake their hand. You can also anoint photographs or images that depict exactly what you wish to obtain. Place a few drops on your altar or simply put a drop or two along the bottom of your mattress. For a candle ritual, get a red candle, a bunch of loose change, some coriander or cardamom seeds and some roses. Begin by carving your name and what you desire onto the red candle. Anoint the candle with some Gold Digger Oil and draw the oil up the candle towards to wick. Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and put this on a simple white plate. Next, get your change and some rose petals (from the fresh roses) and place this on the plate and around your candle. Take your cardamom or coriander seeds and gently spread these along the top of your change and rose petals. Please make sure that these items are not in a position where they could catch on fire. When ready, light your candle and recite the following, “I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” You may either let the candle burn completely out or you may choose to burn the candle for 15 minutes each night over a nine-day period. On the 9th day, let the candle burn all the way out. Take the change, seeds and rose petals and place them into a red flannel pouch. Carry these in your purse or place them under your mattress. Take the candle remains and bury them near your front door.