清晰與創造油-創意、想法、商業、占卜 Clarity & Create Oil-Creativity, Ideas, Business, Divination


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我的客戶要求這種油不僅可以幫助他們進行魔術練習,還可以幫助他們的商業和藝術實踐。 使用這種油來幫助您創造新想法,表達自己,為您的藝術、精神和商業實踐帶來清晰和安心。 一種很好的油,可以在工作、冥想、召喚工作、上課前閱讀(吸收信息)、研討會、閱讀之前使用——任何時候你需要清楚並準備好接受這些想法並運行! 由藍蓮花精油、櫻桃樹皮、玫瑰果、主根等製成。 This oil was requested by my clients to not only help with their conjure practices but their business and artistic practices too. Use this oil to help you create new ideas, express yourself, bring clarity and peace of mind to your art, spiritual and business practices. A great oil to use before work, meditation, conjure work, reading (to absorb information) before classes, seminars, readings-any time you need to be clear and ready to take those ideas and run! Created with blue lotus essential oil, cherry bark, rose hips, master root and more.
