為我們努力油 - 更新誓言、修復關係、加深溝通 Working On Us Oil- Vow Renewal, Relationship Repair, Deeper Communication


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如果您決定留下來並使其在一段陷入困境的關係中繼續下去,那麼「Working On Us」可以幫助您治癒和理解。 這款油採用舒緩的愛情成分製成,可打開溝通並消除過去的傷害和誤解,為成功和解打開大門。 它非常適合涉及心靈問題的儀式工作,包括寬恕和婚姻修復。 這需要兩個願意的團體,而聖靈的一點幫助不會帶來傷害! 「Working On Us」非常適合粉紅色或紅色蠟燭、魔力娃娃、浴室、結婚證書、情書等。 在見到你的愛人之前,輕拍你的壓力點,鼓勵溫柔和充滿愛的互動。 將其納入驅逐儀式中,以擺脫家庭破壞者或結束三角戀。 將其塗抹在配偶一側的床墊下,以促進和解。 您可以發揮創意,根據您的個人關係需求訂製這款精油。 您甚至可以在基礎油中添加幾滴,並互相進行放鬆按摩。 請務必先測試一小塊皮膚是否有過敏,切勿攝取或用於生殖器。 由橙葉、佛手柑、含羞草、白茉莉、丁香、廣藿香和粉狀麝香製成。 其餘的將是我的秘密。 WORKING ON US OIL- If you’ve decided to stay and make it work in a troubled relationship, Working On Us Oil can help bring healing and understanding. Made with soothing love ingredients to open communication and clear up past hurts and misunderstandings, this oil opens the door to a successful reconciliation. It is perfect for ritual work involving matters of the heart, including forgiveness and marriage repair. It takes two willing parties, and a little help from Spirit never hurts, either! Working On Us is ideally used on pink or red candles, mojo poppets, in the bath, on marriage certificates, love notes, and more. Dab a bit on your pressure points before you see your lover encourage gentle and loving interactions. Incorporate it into a banishing ritual to get rid of a homewrecker or end a love triangle. Dab it under the mattress on your spouse’s side of the bed to encourage reconciliation. You can be creative with this oil and tailor it to your individual relationship needs. You might even add several drops to a carrier oil and give each other relaxing massages. Just be sure to always test a small area of skin first for allergies and never ingest or use on the genitals.
