特別優惠油 Special Favors Oil 1/2 oz for Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca & Pagan Spells


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特別優惠石油旨在幫助您獲得對您最重要的東西。這種混合物對於向 Orishas 或聖徒請願非常有效。它用於各種情況,包括愛情、運氣和金錢。這種油在危機、絕望或壓力時期非常有效。我們的 Special Favors Oil 混合物由香草、磁石、五指草、酸橙、苜蓿、康乃馨和其他幾種幸運油和草藥製成。 Special Favors Oil 採用甜杏仁油製成,裝在 1/2 盎司瓶裝中。 對於工作,我建議您與Saints一起工作,例如Saint Jude或Saint Expedite。您可以使用任何白色蠟燭。當您提出特殊要求時,白色和金色效果最佳。在請願 Orisha 時,請使用與其特定顏色相關的蠟燭顏色。從大約一半的位置開始塗抹蠟燭並將其拉向您。使用羊皮紙寫下您的請願書。用特殊恩惠油塗抹它。紙張應該朝你折疊。然後將紙旋轉 90 度,然後再向您折疊一次。把紙放在蠟燭下面。然後點燃蠟燭並閱讀詩篇 57。 Special Favors Oil 也可以塗抹在您的身體上,用於塗抹祭壇或放入浴缸中。它可以放在重要的文件上、擦在鞋子上或擦在錢上。用一角錢塗抹並隨身攜帶在您的口袋裡。你也可以把一些放在門上。 Special favors Oil is designed to help you get the things that matter most to you. This blend is powerful for petitioning Orishas or the Saints. It is used for all kinds of situations, including love, luck and money. This oil works great during times of crisis, desperation or stress.Our blend of Special Favors Oil is made with vanilla, lodestone, five fingers grass, lime, alfalfa, carnation and a couple of other lucky oils and herbs. Made with Sweet Almond Oil, Special Favors Oil comes in a 1/2 oz bottle. For work, I suggest you work with Saints, such as Saint Jude or Saint Expedite. You can use any white candle. White and gold work the best when you ask for a special request. When petitioning an Orisha, work with the color of candle associated with their specific color. Anoint the candle, starting about half way up and draw it towards you. Use parchment paper to write out your petition. Anoint it with Special Favors Oil. The paper should be folded towards you. Then turn the paper 90 degrees before folding it one more time towards you. Put the paper underneath a candle. Then light the candle and read Psalm 57. Special Favors Oil can also be dabbed onto your body, to anoint an altar or put in a bath. It can be put on important documents, dabbed on shoes or rubbed on money. Anoint a dime with and carry inside your pocket. You can also place some on a door.
