獲取隱藏知識的奧秘之油 Mysteries Oil for Accessing Hidden Knowledge


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神秘油混合了9種強效精華素,是一種強大的配方,可日常使用。 阿卡什記錄和記憶調用 當按摩到太陽穴上時,神秘油可以幫助解鎖被阻塞的記憶,使您能夠找到丟失的物體,記住被忘記的談話,甚至回憶起夢以求的信息。 當直接或通過“目標人物蠟燭”將其應用於目標的喉嚨時,它會鼓勵他們鬆開嘴唇,露出秘密並承認撒謊。 奧秘油也可以用於商業;在與潛在的客戶/業務合作夥伴會面之前先申請,然後通過握手轉移到目標客戶,他們將無法隱瞞隱藏的條款,條件和缺點。 Mysteries Oil is a blend of 9 Potent Essences, a powerful formula with many practical everyday uses. Akashic Records and Memory Recall. When massaged onto the temples Mysteries Oil can aid in unlocking blocked memories, allowing you to locate lost objects, remember forgotten conversations and even recall dream messages. When applied to the throat of a target whether directly or via a Targeted Figure Candle it encourages them to loosen their lips, revealing secret and admitting to lies. Mysteries Oil can also be used in business; apply to the hands before meeting a potential client/business partner, then when transferred by handshake to the target, they will be unable to withhold hidden terms, conditions and drawbacks.
