獻給我油-愛情,人際關係,婚姻,工作 Commit To Me! Oil - love, relationships, marriage, jobs


已售出: 7


用這種油幫助您的精神實踐和日常工作,使其專注於您的目標,並在自己的生活中汲取精神能量和人們的支持。 用於吸引忠實的伙伴,增進關係或婚姻或確定潛在的工作機會或項目! Aid your spiritual practice and daily routine with this oil by letting it focus your attention on your goals and draw comitted energies and people into your life. Use to attract a faithful partner, enhance a relationship or marriage or to nail down a prospective job opportunity or project! 1/2 ounce of oil created with licorice root, calamus root, master root and more
