生命花朵流水魔法耳環 Flower of Life and Water Magick Earrings


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生命花朵流水魔法耳環 效果: 配帶後,讓自己生活受到守護,得到保障 合金1.2*8CM 本店所售的魔法耳環是一對計算,要一對一起配帶才有效果 首飾的物料也會有機會變色,也又有可能會出現皮膚敏感 飾物產地多數來自中國,印度等地區,魔法部分就100%來自美國 對於上述情況帶有質疑或介意物料和產地者,請不要購入 Flower of Life and Water Magick Earrings effect: After wearing it, your life is guarded and guaranteed Alloy 1.2*8CM The magic earrings sold in our store are in pair. It only works if they are paired together. Jewelry materials may also have a chance to discolor, and skin sensitivity may also occur
