白十字蠟燭 White Cross candle


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耶穌受難像蠟燭也被稱為花十字架,形狀像聖十字。 常用於祈求期望的結果。 在您的練習中使用白色十字架可能對和平與平靜有益於治療需求的工作特別有幫助。 4 1/2" 蠟燭可能需要調平才能完全直立。尺寸、顏色和形狀可能略有不同。 Crucifix candle also known as the Floral Cross, shaped like the Holy Cross. Used often to pray for a desired outcome. Using a white cross in your practice may be especially helpful with work where peace and calm benefit the healing need. 4 1/2" Candle may require leveling to stand perfectly straight. Sizes, colors, and shapes may vary slightly.
