白鼠尾草香薰粒 White Sage Kamini cone


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清走不幸加負能量 白鼠尾草廣泛用於清潔和塗抹實踐。這種原產於美國高沙漠地區的植物在一些土著文化中被認為是一種受驚的植物。白鼠尾草的香氣與鼠尾草相似,但更微妙。當您需要驅散消極情緒並為空間提供神聖保護時,點燃 Kamini White Sage 香錐。它的清潔和淨化香味將確保您在其迷人的香水中安全無虞。 White Sage Kamini cone 10 pack White sage is extensively used in cleansing and smudging practices. The plant that is native to high desert areas of America is considered to be a scared plant in some indigenous cultures. The fragrance of white sage is similar to sage yet it is more subtle. Light a Kamini White Sage Incense Cone when you need to drive away negativity and provide divine protection to a space. Its cleansing and purifying fragrance will ensure that you are safe and sound enveloped by its mesmerizing perfume.
