皇后身體護理油 Empress Body oil


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皇后體現了各種形式的創造。它代表成就、豐富、生育、慷慨、創造力和滿足的需求。 皇后塔羅||皇后體現了各種形式的創造。成就、豐富、生育、慷慨、創造力和需要得到滿足。 別名 ||母親 星球 ||金星 元素 ||地球 草藥 ||玫瑰、石榴和紅花 香味 ||梨、紅杉和石榴。 紅玉髓 |據說紅玉髓能帶來繁榮、新資源和好運。它是任何賺錢冒險成功的護身符。紅玉髓提供了幫助克服困難和捍衛事業所需的勇氣。紅玉髓是一種穩定的水晶,非常適合在當前錨定。它的高能量有助於激發動力並激發新追求的創造力。 4 盎司 | 118 毫升。 成分:椰子油、葵花籽油、石榴油、香油、水晶和雲母。該產品注入了靈氣的治愈能量。不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽。 +本產品不用於診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何類型的疾病或醫療狀況。 FDA 沒有提出或批准任何聲明。如果懷孕或哺乳,請在使用前研究所有精油。如果您覺得有必要,我們建議您尋求專業的醫療建議。+ The Empress embodies creation in all forms. It represents attainment, abundance, fertility, generosity, creativity, & needs being met. Empress tarot || The Empress embodies creation in all forms. Attainment, abundance, fertility, generosity, creativity, and needs being met. Alternative name || The Mother Planet || Venus Element || Earth Herbs || Rose, Pomegranate, and Safflower Scent || Pear, Redwoods, and Pomegranate. Carnelian | carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. it is a talisman for success in any money- making venture. Carnelian lends the courage needed to help overcome difficulties and defend a cause. carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps with motivation and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. 4 oz | 118 ml. Ingredients: Coconut oil, Sunflower oil, Pomegranate oil, Fragrance oil, Crystals and Mica. This product is infused with the healing energy of Reiki. Phthalate Free. +This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any type of disease or medical condition. No claims have been made or approved by the FDA. Please research all essential oils before using if pregnant or nursing. We suggest seeking professional medical advice if you feel necessary.+
