神聖療法保護油 Divinetherapy Protection Oil


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保護油始終是您家庭中不可缺少的一種油。 這種美麗的香氣不僅使您的房屋散發出令人驚豔的香氣,還可以保護您免受不良有害能量,看不見的未知力量的傷害。 保護油已經存在了幾個世紀,我們的祖先使用這些保護油來進行儀式清潔衣物。 這種油是對自己,家人,朋友和親人的寶貴保護,可隨時用來保護自己和周圍的人。 您也可以使用這種保護油來塗飾護身符,護符和/或封印,以增強它們的力量,從而在您的房屋內外始終提供保護。 Protection oil is one amazing oil to have within your household at all times. This beautiful aroma not only leaves your house with a stunning fragrance but also protects you from negative unwanted energy, unseen and unknown forces. Protection oil has been around for centuries and used by our ancestors in rituals, ceremonies and to cleanse alters. This oil is a invaluable protection for ourselves, family, friends and loved ones, use it to guard yourself and people around you at all times. You can also use this protection oil to anoint charms, talismans and / or seals to strengthen their force for constant protection in and around your home.
