神聖療法生命樹油 DivinetherapyTree of Life Oil


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這種神奇的生命之樹香薰油(具有自然氣味)代表著正能量,身體健康,精神覺醒和光明的未來。 生命之樹象徵著不朽,隨著一棵樹的長大,它帶有種子,葉子和果實,它們蘊含著神奇的本質,從這種描述中,它就變得不朽。 生命之樹還代表著一切之間的相互聯繫,因為“樹”一詞通常是指家庭和我們的祖先。 家譜象徵著我們這代人與許多人的許多家庭聯繫。 一棵樹象徵著肥力和重生,因為它找到了一種通過種子或樹苗永生的方法。 這種生命之樹可以用來增強這些屬性,並使您能夠擁抱力量,平靜,成長和紮根的象徵。 This amazing tree of life aromatherapy oil (with natural scent) represents positive energy, good health, spiritual awakening and a bright future. The tree of life is a symbol of immortality, as a tree grows old it bears seeds, leaves and fruits that contain its very magical essence and from this very description, the tree becomes immortal. The tree of life also represents how everything is interconnected, as the word tree is often referred to in connection to family and our ancestors. Family tree symbolise the many family links to various people through our generations. A tree is symbolic of fertility and rebirth in that it finds a way to perpetuate, whether by seed or sapling. This tree of life blend can be used to enhance these attributes and allows you to embrace the symbol of strength, calmness, growth, and feeling grounded.
