穩定動力草藥小蠟燭 Stability Power Votive


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穩定性草藥小蠟燭是一種土黃色,與柏樹和廣羅香的混合物混合而成。10小時的燃燒時間。 用這根蠟燭的地球能量為您的夢想打下堅實的基礎。 地球的能量為您進入靈魂深處的旅程提供了穩定性和力量。 在此旅程中,您將發現自己的真正價值。 據說地球的元素擁有所有其他元素,是魔法的真正來源。 祝福- 從我下面的地球,我找到了我需要的穩定和力量。 Stability Power Votive is an earthy brown color blended with a cypress & patchouli blend. 10 hour burn time votives. Form a solid foundation to build your dreams upon with the Earth's energies of this Candle. Earth’s energy gives stability and strength to your journey into the depths of your spirit. It is during this journey where you will discover the true worth of yourself. It is said that the element of Earth holds all other elements and is the true source of magic. Blessing - From the earth beneath me, I find the stability and strength I need.
