穿越噴霧 Uncrossing Spray


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該配方旨在消除可能對您的生活或您所關心的人產生負面影響的負面影響。 Uncrossing Spray被許多人用來消除負能量和任何形式的詛咒。 它甚至可以用來逆轉可能貼在您身上的有害咒語。 如果您有惡毒的精神或想要擺脫的多餘能量,那麼我們的不交叉噴霧可以幫助您實現目標。 不相交的噴霧會吸收有害的能量,並將其直接發送回那些意圖不是積極的人。 它會創建一個非常強大的屏障,並可以用作防護罩。 此外,據稱它有能力轉移你周圍世界的邪惡之眼或邪惡能量。 Uncrossing Spray裝在一個4盎司的噴霧瓶中。 Our Uncrossing Spray is based on an older conjure recipe that was created to remove negative influences that may be negatively effecting your life or the people you care about. Uncrossing Spray is used by many people to remove crossed conditions, negative energy and curses of any kind. It can even be used to reverse harmful spells that may have been put on you. If you have malevolent spirits or unwanted energies you want to get rid of, then the our Uncrossing Spray can help certain help you accomplish that. Uncrossing Spray can take harmful energy and send it right back to the people who have intentions that are not positive in nature. lt creates a barrier that is very powerful and it serves as a protective shield. Furthermore, it allegedly has the ability to divert the evil eye or malevolent energies in the world around you. Uncrossing Spray comes in a 4 oz spray bottle.
