約翰征服者問題破壞三倍強度蠟燭 Problem Destroying Triple Strength John The Conqueror


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蠟燭會燃燒約120小時 寬2 1/2英寸,高8 1/8英寸 三倍強度聖安東尼·聖瑪莎和征服者約翰·毀滅蠟燭的問題穿著閃閃發光和特殊油脂的蠟燭。 親愛的聖安東尼,無論走到哪裡,無論走到哪裡,我從醒來到睡覺都一無所獲。充滿我的清醒時光的是麻煩。請聖安東尼(St Anthony),將絕望的山脈從我的生活道路上移開,並銷毀我的所有問題。親愛的聖瑪莎,保護我和我的家人免受計劃傷害我和我的敵人的傷害。給我純淨而幸福的力量,勝過他們的邪惡力量。親愛的征服者約翰,請給我所有的成功。摧毀那些會從我這里奪走我工作以及我應有的一切事情的人。讓我成功獲得金錢和財富。祝我萬事如意。 在禱告和冥想的時候,我在羊皮紙上寫下我的要求,並將其附加到破壞蠟燭的三倍強度問題的底部,以像徵我的靈魂對耶穌的無限信仰。 Candle will burn about 120hrs 2 1/2" wide and 8 1/8" tall Triple Strength St Anthony St Martha & John the Conqueror Problem Destroying Candle Dressed with glitter and special oils. Dear St Anthony everywhere and every way I turn, I attract nothing but problems from the moment I wake until the moment I go to sleep. All that fills my waking hours is trouble. Please St Anthony, move these mountains of despair from the path of my life and destroy all my problems. Dear St Martha, protect me and my family from my enemies who plan to hurt me and mine. Give me pure and blessed strength that is greater than their evil strength. Dear John the Conqueror, please give me success in all my endeavors. Destroy those who would take from me my job and all things that are rightfully mine. Give me success in obtaining money and wealth. Bless me with fast luck in everything. In time of prayer and holy meditation I write my request on parchment paper and affix it to the bottom of the triple strength problem destroying candle to symbolize my soul's infinite faith in Jesus.
