紅色木乃伊蠟燭 Red Mummy Candle


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形狀像木乃伊的盒子,這種稀有而獨特的蠟燭主要用於獲得成功和成功的法術。 用木乃伊油塗油,並與裝滿香爐的燃燒器一起放在壇上。 點燃香爐,讓其燃燒10到15分鐘,同時專注於手頭的項目。 然後點燃蠟燭,並重複幾次此頌歌:隨著香氣越來越高,隨著光輝越來越可愛,消除阻礙我前進的力量,點亮今天通往勝利的道路。 7" Red Mummy Candle - Remove Jinxes - Attract Success - Rituals, Spells Shaped like a mummy case, this rare and unique candle is used primarily in spells for power and success. Anoint with Mummy Oil and place on an altar along with a burner filled with Power Incense. Light the incense and allow it to burn for ten to fifteen minutes, while you concentrate on the project at hand. Then light the candle and repeat this chant several times: As the fragrance rises ever loftier, as the light glows ever lovelier, banish the forces which hinder my way, light the path to victory this day.
