終極愛情維納斯五角星鑰匙護符 Ultimate Love Talisman Venus Pentacle Key of Solomon Seal Pendant


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這種設計融合了所羅門大匙的金星的第四和第五五角星,這與尋找和尋找愛有對應關係。 據說這種組合是最終的愛情護身符,因為第4和第5五瓣的組合會彼此放大效果。 這些印章是從“所羅門大鑰匙”上舉起的,這是西方神秘主義的基本信條,其中包含猶太神秘主義/卡巴拉,羅馬占星術和煉金術的影響。 “在現今每一個知道,從遠古時代所羅門擁有一個天使的智慧教導,對此他顯得如此順從和聽話,那除了智慧的恩賜,他要求,他與繽紛得到啟發知識 所有其他美德;這些美德的發生是為了使值得永恆保存的知識不被他的身體埋葬。” [所羅門的更大鑰匙(1999),利德爾和馬瑟斯] This design incorporates the fourth and fifth pentacles of Venus from the Greater Key of Solomon, which have correspondences with seeking and finding love. This combination is said to be the ultimate love talisman as the combination of the 4th and 5th pentacles amplify each others effect. These seals were lifted from the "Greater Key of Solomon", a foundational grimoire of Western Esotericism that contains influences of Judaic mysticism/Kabbalah, Roman astrology and Hermetic alchemy. "Every one knoweth in the present day that from time immemorial Solomon possessed knowledge inspired by the wise teachings of an angel, to which he appeared so submissive and obedient, that in addition to the gift of wisdom, which he demanded, he obtained with profusion all the other virtues; which happened in order that knowledge worthy of eternal preservation might not be buried with his body." [The Greater Key of Solomon (1999), Liddell & Mathers]
