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我們的維納斯愛情油可以幫助向愛女神祈求,她特別有助於解決生育、誘惑、婚姻、美麗、忠誠、奉獻、力量和性能力等問題。當尋求新的關係時,尤其是與富有的伴侶或只是為了增強你的女性力量時,可以使用它。對於那些希望與愛人結合或吸引新愛的人來說,它是一種強大的黏合油。容量為 ½ 盎司。玻璃瓶。 維納斯愛情油有什麼作用: 呼籲維納斯協助與愛、承諾、生育、權力、誘惑和婚姻相關的儀式。 增強女性的女性力量。 束縛一個愛人或吸引一段強烈的新愛。 吸引有錢人。 維納斯愛情油的成分是什麼: 當然,我們也包括香桃木和蘋果葉;受到維納斯的喜愛!我們還添加了許多其他與愛情相關的草藥和精油,它們有助於增強愛情和野心。 如何使用維納斯愛情油: 我們的維納斯愛情油可以塗在身上、放在浴缸里或塗在護身符或護身符上。床墊上。在祭壇或占卜工具上塗抹一些。在約會或訂婚之前,有可能遇到特別的人​​,在您最喜歡的乳液中添加幾滴維納斯愛情油。將乳液塗抹到身體上,從腳底開始,一直塗抹到全身。 我建議你洗澡後這樣做。 如何在咒語或儀式中使用金星愛情油: 要進行強有力的愛情儀式,請拿一支粉紅色蠟燭,並在上面塗上一些維納斯愛情油,將油從蠟燭上吸引到燈芯。在一張羊皮紙或牛皮紙袋上寫下您的願望,然後將紙朝您的方向折疊三次(摺痕消失)。將蠟燭放入合適的燭台中,然後將其放在請願書的頂部。準備好後,點燃蠟燭並閱讀《聖經》中的《雅歌》,或只是說出你自己的祈禱。 週五是召喚維納斯女神的最佳日子。找到她的照片並將其放在您的祭壇上。拿一個蘋果,把它分成六塊。然後,在蘋果上倒一點蜂蜜和維納斯之愛油。如果您有任何貝殼或與海洋有關的物品,也請將它們放在您的祭壇上。請隨意忽略其他與美麗相關的物品,因為維納斯肯定會欣賞這一點!許多古羅馬人的花園裡也常描繪她,所以請留下她的花。雛菊是不錯的選擇,玫瑰也是不錯的選擇,因為玫瑰與金星有關。拿一根粉紅色或白色的蠟燭,塗上維納斯之愛油,將油沿著蠟燭向上吸到燭芯頂部。準備好後,點燃蠟燭並請求金星為你求情。 Our Venus Love Oil can help petition the Goddess of Love who notably assists with issues of fertility, seduction, marriage, beauty, loyalty, devotion, power, and sexual prowess. Use it when seeking a new relationship, particularly with a wealthy partner or to simply augment your feminine powers. It is a powerful bonding oil for those who wish to bind a lover to them or draw in a new love. It comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does Venus Love Oil do: Call upon Venus to aid in rituals related to love, commitment, fertility, power, seduction, and marriage. Enhance one's feminine powers. Bind a lover or draw in a strong new love. Attract a wealthy man. What are the ingredients in Venus Love Oil: Of course, we have included myrtle and apple leaves; which were adored by Venus! We have also added many other love-related herbs and oils that are known to help bolster one’s love affairs and ambitions. How to use Venus Love Oil: Our Venus Love Oil can be worn on the body, placed in a bath or anointed on amulets or talismans.Place some in the heel of your shoes to attract new love or anoint some on a picture of your love interest and pin it to your mattress. Rub some on your altar or on your divination tools. Before a date or prior to an engagement where there's the potential to meet someone special, add a few drops of Venus Love Oil to your favorite lotion. Apply the lotion to your body, beginning at the bottom of your feet and working your way up your body. I recommend doing this after you bathe. How to use Venus Love Oil in a Spell or Ritual: To perform a powerful love ritual, get a pink candle and anoint it with some Venus Love Oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick. On a piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag, write out your desires and then fold the paper towards you three times (with the crease away). Put the candle in an appropriate candle holder and place it on top of your petition. When ready, light the candle and read the Song of Songs from the bible or simply say a prayer of your own. Friday is the best day to invoke the Goddess Venus. Find a picture of her and place it on your altar. Get an apple and divide it into six pieces. Then, pour a bit of honey and Venus Love Oil over the apple. If you have any seashells or items associated with the sea, place these on your altar as well. Feel free to leave out other items associated with beauty, as Venus would definitely appreciate this! She was also often depicted in the gardens of many ancient Romans so leave her fresh flowers. Daisies are a good choice, and roses as well, as roses were associated with Venus. Get a pink or white candle and anoint it with Venus Love Oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the top of the wick. When ready, light the candle and ask Venus to intercede on your behalf.
