維隆芸香和鹽祝福蠟燭 Velon RUDA AND SALT Blessed


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祝福芸香和鹽 蠟燭準備 15 厘米。 帶有西班牙語說明。 打掃房子或生意。 採用古代古代魔法中的配方製成。 在這支蠟燭中,兩種非常強大的清潔負面振動的元素結合在一起,例如鹽和芸香。 因此,這些合力使其成為清潔家庭或企業的最佳蠟燭之一; 也就是說,任何地方,由於糾紛、運氣不佳或許多人的進入,存在負面振動的殘留物,從長遠來看會對我們產生負面影響。 BLESSED CANDLE RUE AND SALT BLESSED CANDLE RUE AND SALT Esoteric candle prepared 15 cm. With instructions in Spanish. Cleaning house or business. Made with recipes found in ancient ancient magic. In this candle, two very powerful elements for cleaning negative vibrations come together, such as salt and rue. Hence, these combined forces make it one of the best candles for cleaning the home or business; that is, any place where, due to disputes, bad luck or the entry of many people, there are residues of negative vibrations that in the long run can influence us negatively.
