繁榮動力草藥小蠟燭 Prosperity Power Votive


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呈綠色的蠟燭,散發出令人振奮的佛手柑和丁香香氣,每個香根草可燃燒10個小時。 繁榮昌盛,數量無限,所以不要害羞。 表現出您想要和應得的一切。 宇宙充滿了無限的繁榮,為您的通話和承諾做好了準備。 您需要的只是您應得的願望,承諾和知識。 祝福:我充滿了無限的宇宙,彰顯了我所需要的一切。 A prosperous green candle with an uplifting bergamot and clove blend.Each votive burns for 10 hours. Prosperity and abundance are available in unlimited quantities, so don’t be shy. Manifest all you desire and deserve. The universe is filled with unlimited prosperity, ready for your call and commitment. All you need is the desire, commitment and knowledge that you deserve. Blessing: I am filled with the unlimited abundance of the universe and manifest all that I need.
