自然薰衣草香薰枝 Lavender nature nature stick 10 pack


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薰衣草在各個世紀以來一直被認為是治療和愛的咒語和儀式的有力幫助。 有些人還用它來獲得和平與安寧,以及淨化和好運。 有些人還把它當作尋求精神意識,智慧和記憶的精神幫助。 每支棒香都是手工製作的,由所有天然樹脂和純精油製成,每包內含10條最優質的香棒。 美國製造。 Lavender has been known throughout the ages as being a powerful aid in spells and rituals of healing and love. Some also use it in blessings of peace and tranquility, as well as purification and good luck. Some also use it as a spiritual aid in seeking psychic awareness, wisdom and memory. Each stick of this marvelous incense is handcrafted, and made of all natural resins and pure essential oils, with each pack coming with 10 sticks of the finest quality incense. Made in USA.
