處女座光環水晶香皂 Virgo Auras - 6 oz Crystal Infused Bar Soap


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處女座季節的光環結合了柔和的紫羅蘭色:幫助您記住休息並軟化您的思想。花園綠色:代表成長和過程,而金色:支持您以精神打造未來的目標。 水晶說明 紫水晶是一種多維寶石,可與第三隻眼配合使用,讓我們的意識以更高的頻率與能量連接。您思想的最前沿。隨著年齡的增長,我們的思維方式必須適應,紫水晶是幫助您彌合衰老的理想之選養成解決問題的新方法。此刻,我們可能不知道什麼才是適合自己的,但內在的感覺總是我們的意識做出正確的決定。當你使用這塊石頭時,你會感到一種溫暖的感覺和感激圍繞著你,因為紫水晶充當保護泡沫,幫助你保持頭腦清晰和身體能量。 氣味描述 橙花、茉莉、杜松鼠尾草和雪鬆的神奇混合,融合在一起,捕捉處女座的光環。神奇與朴實的完美結合在一個容器中。 The Virgo Season aura is a combination of soft violet: to help you remember to take breaks and soften your mind. Garden Green: represents growth and process and Gold: supports your goals towards building your future. We added amethyst to this bar to connect you with spirit. CRYSTAL DESCRIPTION Amethyst is a multidimensional stone that works with the third eye and to allows our consciousness to connect with energies at a much higher frequency. It offers a range of energetic uses that can assist you in raising your own personal intuition and bring your sixth sense to the forefront of your thoughts. As we grow older our way of thinking must adapt, Amethyst is ideal to help bridge your old habits with new ways of approaching problems. In the moment, we may not know what exactly is right for us, but that feeling within is always our consciousness making the right decision. As you work with this stone, you will feel a sense of warmth and gratitude surrounding you as Amethyst acts as a protective bubble to help you maintain mental clarity and physical energy. SCENT DESCRIPTION A magical blend of neroli, jasmine, juniper sage, and cedar blend together to capture the aura of a Virgo. Magical and earthy combined perfectly into one vessel.
