蛇獸靈香熏禮霧 Snake Animal Spirit Aroma & Ritual Mist


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Snake Animal Spirit Aroma & Ritual Mist 引導我們滑溜溜的朋友的變革能量。很長一段時間以來,我一直想創造一條蛇線,但一直找不到靈感。然後我發現自己需要做一些深入的精神工作,並看到我的生活發生一些重大變化。正是在那段困難時期,我意識到我需要引導蛇的能量,而靈感就像玻璃一樣清晰。 Snake 需要促進深度轉變、自我意識和設定界限;我生命中需要的一切。如果您希望看到重大變化,給自己改頭換面,或者只是為了更好地了解自己,那麼蛇霧及其相應的油適合您。這些產品將幫助您超越傷口、創傷和自我毀滅的習慣。同時,蛇油和霧氣將幫助您在舊皮膚下發現真實的自我,從而喚醒您本應成為的美麗光芒。 氣味簡介: 新鮮柑橘帶有香菜和茴香香料的味道。 使用方法:搖勻即可激活魔法!噴灑在衣服、床單、頭髮、你自己和氛圍上,以鼓勵深度轉變和自我意識。 2 盎司 | 60 毫升玻璃瓶。 完整成分錶:Aqua(過濾水)、混合香料(柚子精油、鼠尾草、香菜、茴香、canaga);紅碧玉碎石。 Snake Animal Spirit Aroma & Ritual Mist channels the transformative energy of our slithery friends. I’ve wanted to create a snake line for a long time but was having trouble finding the inspiration. Then I found myself needing to do some deep spiritual work and to see some major change happen in my life. It was during that difficult time that I realized I needed to channel snake energy and the inspiration came through as clear as glass. Snake needed to facilitate deep transformation, self-awareness, and setting boundaries; everything I needed in my life. If you’re looking to see major change, give yourself a makeover, or just to get to know yourself better, then snake mist and its corresponding oil are for you. These products will help you to transcend wounds, traumas, and self-destructive habits. At the same time, Snake oil and mist will help you to discover your true self underneath that old skin so that you can awaken as the beautiful light you are meant to be. Scent Profile: Fresh citrus with notes of coriander and fennel spice. How to Use: shake well to activate the magic! Mist onto clothes, linens, hair, yourself & atmosphere to encourage deep transformation & self-awareness. 2 oz | 60 mL glass bottle. Full ingredient list: Aqua (filtered water), fragrance blend (essential oils of yuzu, clary sage, coriander, fennel, canaga); red jasper chip stones.
