蜂蜜性“休息床墊”,強大的吸引力和性费洛蒙 Honey Sexual "Break Mattress," Powerful Pheromones For Attraction and Sex


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25 毫升 心形瓶 變得如此迷人和令人嚮往,以至於你的伴侶除了你之外別無他法! THoney Sexual "Break Mattress, Pheromone 將有助於保持你們的關係新鮮和令人興奮。使用這種信息素油來創造激情、慾望和浪漫,並讓你的愛情不再徘徊。 在 Honey Sexual“Break Mattress”的幫助下,只有您才能得到您想要的人的愛和感情。 將它作為香水塗抹在身上,吸引您想要的人。 科學證明信息素是有效的。 在做愛之前,應將油塗抹在全身,尤其是性感區。 這種製劑含有非常強大的费洛蒙,可以吸引愛人,誘發性行為並影響他們的行為。 該油是由非洲部落在草藥提取物和高度壯陽動物脂肪的幫助下製備的。 來自哥倫比亞。 25 ml Heart shaped bottle Become so infatuating and so desirable that your partner can think of nothing else but you! THoney Sexual "Break Mattress, Pheromone will help keep your relationship fresh and exciting. Use this pheromone oil to create passion, desire, and romance and to keep your love interest from wandering. With the help of Honey Sexual "Break Mattress," you and only you will receive the love and affection of the one you desire. Wear it on your body as a perfume to attract the one you desire. Pheromones are scientifically proven to work. The oil should be applied throughout your body, especially in the erogenous zones, before making love. This preparation contains highly powerful pheromones to attract a lover, induce sex and influence their behavior. The oil is prepared by African tribes with the help of extracts of herbs & highly aphrodisiac animal fats. From Colombia.
