蜂蜜性“愛與性”,吸引和性的強大费洛蒙 Honey Sexual "Love & Sex," Powerful Pheromones For Attraction and Sex


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25 毫升 心形瓶 這種 Phermomne 如此吸引和誘捕您的感官,以至於您可能會認為有人對您施了咒語。 Love Sex Spell 信息素將推動新的或當前的關係,並激活溝通和意圖的力量。 這是適合您所有愛情咒語儀式的完美精油。 戴在您的脈搏點上會吸引您的愛情興趣。 創造一個充滿激情和浪漫的夜晚,並增強性因素。 讓每晚都成為約會之夜! 科學證明信息素是有效的。 Love & Sex Spell 信息素用途: 熱情 忠誠的愛 鬆弛 性別 浪漫 祝你戀愛順利 友誼 幸福 香薰 儀式油 魔法油 潤膚油 香水 來自哥倫比亞。 25 ml Heart shaped bottle This Phermomne captivates and ensnares your senses so much so that you just might think someone put a spell on you. The Love Sex Spell Pheromone will propel a new or current relationship and activates communication and the power of intention. This is the perfect oil for all of your love spell rituals. Worn on your pulse points will attract your love interest. Create an evening of unbridled passion and romance and amp up the sexuality factor. Make every night date night! Pheromones are scientifically proven to work. Love & Sex Spell Pheromone Uses: Passion Faithful love Relaxation Sex Romance Good luck in love Friendship Happiness Aromatherapy Ritual Oil Conjure Oil Body Oil Perfume From Colombia.
