蠟燭固定的性愛只有我 Candle Fixed Sex Only with Me


已售出: 31


讓您愛,渴望並想要與自己成為一體的人-眼睛裡只有你,僅與您進行性愛-沒有其他人! 2½“寬x 8 1/8”高玻璃。蠟燭燒成約 120小時。燭光7天用高香味的大塊以及專門為此目的製成的種子和草藥的特殊混合物製成。 Make the person you love, desire and you want to be with exclusively- have eyes only for you and sex only with you- Nobody else! 2 ½" Wide x 8 1/8" Tall Glass.Candle Burns for Aprox. 120 Hours.Candle 7 Day Prepared with high fragranced chunks and a special blend of seeds & herbs made especially for that purpose.
