蠟燭愛蜂蜜 Candle Love Honey


已售出: 26


用紅色墨水在羊皮紙上寫下您的全名和希望吸引您或您的房屋的人的全名。放在蠟燭下面。將左手放在蠟燭上說:Just like this candle consumes itself, All the evil, spells, unfaithfulness, curses, bad desires, envies and curses shall be consumed and cleared from our soul… (Say the names…), when this candle consumes completely it will unite your heart with mine, with the blessing of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As I desire my wish shall be fulfilled. Amen. 用祈禱燈結束後,點燃蠟燭,直到完全耗盡為止。消耗完後,拿起您在蠟燭下面放有名稱的紙,然後將其埋在後院。堅定地做到這一點。 n a piece of parchment paper write with red ink, the full name of you and the full name of the person who you wish to attract towards you or towards your home. Place underneath the candle. Place your left hand on the candle and say: Just like this candle consumes itself, All the evil, spells, unfaithfulness, curses, bad desires, envies and curses shall be consumed and cleared from our soul… (Say the names…), when this candle consumes completely it will unite your heart with mine, with the blessing of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As I desire my wish shall be fulfilled. Amen. When finished with prayer light the candle and let burn until it’s consumed completely. Once consumed take the paper that you placed underneath the candle with the names and burry it in your backyard. Do it with lots of faith.
