表現香薰噴霧劑 Manifestation Aromatherapy Spray


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我們的香薰療法可能是您正在尋找的答案。此外,由於我們知道這種混合物中的許多成分有助於緩解焦慮,緊張和消極情緒,因此我們將其稱為“幸福”混合物。有沒有聽說過“想積極”的說法?好吧,這對我們來說非常有意義,尤其是涉及任何形式的表現工作時。我們還確保添加了一些檸檬,這對於清除負離子非常有用。加上橘子,玫瑰,天竺葵,檸檬,柏樹和少量肉桂,我們的噴霧劑包含您可能需要幫助您表達自己的目標和慾望的一切。對於吸引法則的愛好者來說,這種融合無疑可以幫助您提高共創能力。可以在家中,工作場所,汽車中或希望轉移能量的任何其他地方隨意噴灑它。它帶有一個4盎司的噴霧瓶。 Our Manifestation Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Spray may be the answer you're looking for. Furthermore, it’s what we call the “happiness” blend due to the fact that many of the ingredients in this blend are known to help with anxiety, nervousness, and negativity. Ever heard the saying, “think positive”? Well, that makes perfect sense to us, particularly when it comes to any type of manifestation work. We also make sure we added a bit of lemon which is wonderful to use for clearing away negativity. With tangerine, rose, geranium, lemon, cypress and a touch of cinnamon, our Manifestation Spray contains everything you may need to help you manifest your goals and desires. For fans of the law of attraction, this blend certainly can aid you in your co-creation skills. Feel free to spray it in your home, at work, in your car or any other place where you wish to shift the energy. It comes in a 4 oz spray bottle.
