解決問題的動力草藥小蠟燭 Problem Solving Power Votive


已售出: 39


解決問題的動力草藥小蠟燭是一種帶有金銀花氣味的蜂蜜色蠟燭。 每盒24盒,每次燃燒10個小時。 每個挑戰,教訓和問題都會帶您去追求個人成長。 您的內在視覺被喚醒,您在大腦中開闢了新途徑。 在沉思和沈思的片刻中,您可以聽到裡面很小的靜止聲音。 在那裡您會找到您的獎勵。 要真正回答個人問題,必須尋求自己的真理和理解。 Problem Solving Power Votive is a honey colored candle with a honeysuckle scent. Box of 24, each votive burns for 10 hours. Each challenge, lesson and problem takes you on a quest of personal growth. Your inner vision is awakened and you blaze new pathways in your brain. It is in a moment of meditation and quiet contemplation that you can hear the small still voice inside. There you will find your reward. For genuine answers to personal questions, one must search for one’s own truths and understanding. Blessing - My problems today have become a quest, the depths of this flame set my troubles to rest…. My heart’s rhythm guides this meditative state, imparting answers to which I can relate…With freedom of will and clarity of thought, I open to what I will be taught. For the good of all, so that it harms none, Let this magic of spirit be done.
