詩篇 23 油儀式和法術助推器 Psalm 23 Oil-Ritual and Spell Booster


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即使所有其他途徑都失敗了,祈禱或冥想思想或目標的力量以及信念和積極態度也可以帶來巨大的成功。 當我們全心全意地富有同情心、仁慈、無私和奉獻時,我們就會與神聖結合,我們的生活就會充滿愛和祝福。 詩篇油經常被那些練習伏都教和胡都教的人以及那些信仰結合了天主教、聖人、靈媒和/或伏都教實踐的人使用。 大衛、亞薩、可拉人、摩西、所羅門、以探和希曼的詩篇是認識上帝並受到神聖啟發而寫下這些讚美詩的人的詩歌。 在這些詩歌中,沒有任何精神的渴望,沒有心靈的痴迷,也沒有身體的需要,這些都是通過一首詩篇的祈禱所無法表達的。 這些祈禱文早在兩千多年前就被古代猶太人所使用,至今仍有數百萬人每天使用。 使用詩篇時需要點燃一支受膏蠟燭並燒香。 佈置好你的祭壇,然後背誦詩篇 23。首先點燃你的香,然後點燃代表你自己的蠟燭(在你的左邊),以及代表你的願望的蠟燭,在你的右邊。 說出你的懇求或請求,然後安靜地坐著冥想。 再次說出你的要求,再次背誦詩篇 23,然後先吹滅你的蠟燭(物體或左邊的蠟燭),然後吹滅右邊代表你自己的蠟燭。 讓香自行消耗,作為對神的供奉。 這種油是用一小卷詩篇 23、乳香和沒藥的樹脂和油製成的。 The power of prayer or meditation on a thought or goal along with faith and positive attitude can result in enormous success even when all other avenues have failed. When we are fully and whole-heartedly compassionate, kind, selfless, and giving we are united with the divine and our lives become full of love and blessings. Psalm oils are often used by those who practice Vodou and Hoodoo and those whose beliefs combines Catholicism, Saints, Mediumship, and/or Vodou practices. The Psalms of David, Asaph, the Korahites, Moses, Solomon, Ethan and Heman are songs of men who knew God and were divinely inspired to write these poems in praise. Within these poems there is no longing of the spirit, no obsession of the mind, nor and need of the body which can not be expressed through the praying of one of the psalms. these prayers were used by the ancient Jews more than 2 thousand years ago and are still used by millions daily. Use of the Psalms is accompanied by lighting an anointed candle and burning incense. Set up your altar arrangement then recite Psalm 23. Light your incense first then your candle representing yourself, (to your left) and your object candle, representing your desire on your right. State your plea or request, then sit quietly and meditate. state your request again, recite psalms 23 again, then snuff out your candles the object or left candle first then your candle representing yourself on the right. Let the incense consume itself as an offering to the divine. This oil is created with a tiny scroll of Psalm 23, resins and oils of frankincense and myrrh.
