說服和綁定繽紛蠟燭 Cndl Cocktail Convince and Bind


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這款強大的蠟燭特別為征服和束縛您所愛的人而準備。 懷著信心點燃蠟燭,並根據需要重複重複人的名字。 讓蠟燭燃燒直到完全耗盡。 當您點燃蠟燭時,它散發出的精緻香氣有助於提高振動力,使您與上乘力量聯繫在一起。 This powerful candle has been prepared especially to conquer and bind your loved one. Light candle with faith and repeat the persons name as often as you like. Let candle burn until consumed completely. When you light the candle the exquisite aroma that it emits, helps raise the vibrations that connects you with the Superior forces.purpose.
