路易斯安那州綠油—帶來好運和愛情 Louisiana Green Oil-High Drawing Power for Luck and Love


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據我所知,這種油已不在市場上,只有少數從業者仍在生產。 有一種名為“Louisiana Hoodoo”的油,但我不認為它與這個配方相比,因為它是大規模生產的,並且富含化學物質和染料。 這是我最喜歡的油之一,因為它喚起了我對南方的回憶。 綠色的河口、厚厚的沼澤、長滿西班牙苔蘚的樹木和盛放的玉蘭花——路易斯安那州的一切都富饒、肥沃和幸運…… 用作萬能的增壓和抽油,將您的工作帶回家並引導他們走向成功。 它有一個令人信服的成分——可以得到你需要的東西。 用橡苔、玫瑰、留蘭香、木蘭和許多精美的繪畫古董製成。 它也被認為可以拉近戀人的距離,讓人們更容易掌握他們的錢。 任何你想保留或擁有的東西——它都會把它拉近你。 用在綠色蠟燭上代表好運或金錢,用粉色代表愛情。 From what I can find, this oil is no longer on the market and only a few practitioners still make it. There is an oil called "Louisiana Hoodoo" but I don't think that compares to this formula as it is mass produced and full of chemicals and dyes. This is one of my favorite oils as it evokes memories of the south for me. Green bayous, thick swamps, Spanish moss filled trees, and magnolia blossoms at their peak-everything bountiful, fertile, and lucky about Louisiana... Used as an all purpose boosting and drawing oil to drive your workings home and guide them to success. It has a kick-a compelling ingredient-to get what you need. Created with oakmoss, rose, spearmint, magnolia and many fine drawing curios. It is also reputed to bring lovers closer together and allows one to hold onto their money more easily. Anything you want to keep or have-it draws it close to you. Use on green candles for luck or money and pink for love.
