通靈盾魔法香水 Psychic Shield Magick Perfume


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暗淡且高度防護的霧氣,供我們當中敏感,善解人意或精神上處於危險中的靈魂使用。對於那些可能通過過靈(例如通過使用窺鏡或Ouija板),幽靈狩獵或正處於負壓包圍的不健康環境中而可能與精神吸血鬼,負面精神或有毒能量接觸的人。帶有沙漠鼠尾草,高良薑,薄荷,雲香,松香,香根草,龍血,海鹽,白鼠尾草和肉桂。 a dark and highly protective mist for the sensitive, empathic, or otherwise spiritually at-risk souls among us. A must for those that may be potentially in contact with psychic vampires, negative spirits, or toxic energies either through scrying (such as through use of a scrying mirror or Ouija board), ghost hunting, or just being in an unhealthy environment surrounded by negative people. Features desert sage, galangal, peppermint, rue, vervain, vetiver, dragon's blood, sea salt, white sage, and cinnamon.
