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我們的邪眼油富含草藥、根和油的強大混合物,針對極端消極情緒,如惡意能量和消極意圖。這種混合物的目的是淨化、淨化和阻止精神攻擊。用它來防止邪眼、任何不必要的入侵和不良能量。我們的邪眼油採用½ 盎司玻璃瓶裝。 邪眼油有什麼作用: 阻止消極和不良能量進入您的空間。 阻擋和逆轉心靈攻擊、詛咒、邪眼和妖術。 清除人、空間或環境中的負能量。 保護您免受有害精神和不必要的能量的侵害。 邪眼油的成分是什麼: 這是我們更強大的保護和清潔混合物之一,注入了接骨、當歸、芸香、樟腦、仙鶴草、魔爪草和許多其他草藥和油。 邪眼油的使用方法: 我們的邪眼油可以塗在神聖的物品上或塗在珠寶上。據信,在銀幣或代幣上塗油可以起到另一層保護作用。在您家的所有門上塗抹一些,以防止負面影響進入家中。將幾滴放入一碗猶太鹽中,然後將其直接放在床下。在聖經上塗抹幾滴,然後在睡覺時將其放在枕頭下。您也可以將幾滴滴在木炭盤上,然後將其放在床上。對家裡進行熏蒸。當心!!!這種混合物很濃……一點點就可以發揮很大作用。 如何執行邪眼防護咒語或儀式: 拿一根黑色的蠟燭,需要一根比較粗的蠟燭,用鐵釘在蠟燭上刻上以下四個字: lofaham, solomon, iyouel, iyosenaoui. 然後在蠟燭上塗上一些邪眼油,沿著蠟燭吸下來(從蠟燭的中間到底部)。將其放在合適的燭台上,然後將其放入一碗猶太鹽和5 滴邪眼油中點燃蠟燭,將你刻下的文字背誦三次。蠟燭燃盡後,將所有剩餘物,包括鹽,放在墓地裡。 Our Evil Eye Oil is loaded with a powerful blend of herbs, roots, and oils that target extreme negativity such as malicious energy and negative intentions. The purpose of this blend is to cleanse, purify and halt a spiritual attack. Use it to protect against the Evil Eye, any unwanted intrusions, and bad energy. Our Evil Eye Oil comes in a ½ oz. glass bottle. What does Evil Eye Oil do: Stop negativity and bad energy from entering your space. Block and reverse psychic attacks, curses, the evil eye, and hexes. Clear away negative energy from a person, space, or environment. Protect you from harmful spirits and unwanted energy. What are the ingredients in Evil Eye Oil: This is one of our more powerful protection and clearing blends infused with boneset, angelica, rue, camphor, agrimony, devil's claw, and many other herbs and oils. How to use Evil Eye Oil: Our Evil Eye Oil can be anointed onto sacred objects or anointed on jewelry. It is believed anointing oil on a silver coin or token can serve to be another great layer of protection. Rub some down on all the doors to your home to prevent negativity from entering the home. Place a few drops in a bowl of Kosher salt and place this directly under your bed. Anoint a few drops on a bible and place this under your pillow while sleeping. You can also drop a few drops onto a charcoal disc and fumigate the home. Beware!!! This blend is strong…. A little goes a long way. How to perform an Evil Eye Protection Spell or Ritual: Take a black candle. You will need a fairly thick one. Carve the following four words into the candle with an iron nail: lofaham, solomon, iyouel, iyosenaoui. Then anoint the candle with some Evil Eye Oil drawing the oil down the candle (from the middle of the candle to its base). Place it in an appropriate candle holder and set this in a bowl of Kosher salt with 5 drops of Evil Eye Oil. Light the candle and recite the words you carved three times. After the candle burns out, take all the remains, including the salt, and leave it in a churchyard.
