金剛鸚鵡鳥沐浴露 Macaw Bird Bath Gel


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8 盎司 (236ml)塑料瓶 傳說說金剛鸚鵡鳥在最高峰築巢,在那裡獲得能量和正向振動。 這種宏偉的沐浴露是用金剛鸚鵡燕窩碎片製成的,能夠帶給您在家中的愛與健康,事業上的運氣與繁榮以及愛情中的幸福。 每天在淋浴或浴缸中使用。 8 fl. oz. (236ml) Plastic Bottle Legends say the Macaw Bird makes its nest in the highest peak, where it acquires its power and positive vibrations. This magnificent bath gel is prepared with pieces of the Macaw Bird's nest, giving it the ability to bring you love and health at home, luck and prosperity in business and happiness in love. Use daily in the shower or bath.
