金錢推動油實現您的財務目標 Money Moves Oil-Achieve Your Financial Goals


已售出: 6


我用黑醋栗、佛手柑和香草製作了這種油,還有一些真錢、美元符號、一張 100 美元的迷你鈔票、黃芥末籽、幾內亞胡椒和金針,以確保現金! 找工作? 更多的時間? 更大的項目? 更多客戶? 新業務? 更好的生意? 節省更多? 保存任何? 退休? 計劃一次旅行? 我接到你了。 用這種油塗在橙色蠟燭上代表旅行,棕色代表工作,綠色代表商業,紫色代表儲蓄和退休,黃色代表遊戲、加薪或更多小時。 I've created this oil with black currant, bergamot and vanilla with bits of real cash, dollar signs, a mini $100 bill, yellow mustard seed, guinea pepper and golden pins to nail that cash down! Looking for employment? More hours? Bigger projects? More clients? A new business? Better Business? Saving more? Saving ANY? Retirement? Planning a trip? I GOT YOU. Use this oil on orange candles to draw in a trip, brown for employment, green for business, purple for savings and retirement and yellow for gaming, a raise or more hours.
