錢和我在一起油-堅持自己的工作和財務狀況 Money Stay with Me! Oil - Hold on to your job and finances


已售出: 1


繁榮的工作原理非常好……但如果您不能在家里和口袋中保留那些繁榮的能量,那將毫無意義! 用這種油把你的錢像膠水一樣粘在你身上! 把魔法油使用在綠色和黃色蠟燭上,保持您的皮夾和銀行帳戶滿滿。 Prosperity workings are great...but pointless if you can't keep that prosperous energy in your home and pocket! use this oil to stick your money to you like glue! Keep your pocket book and bank account full with my formula used on green and yellow candles. Created with dirt from a bank, a small di, basil, spearmint, lemon verbena, wintergreen essential oil, 5 finger grass, celery seed and more.
